Dan Exposed

Categories: Shop Talk

Posted by: Ian



I’ve been a carnie, an ecologist, a woodworker, a web developer, and now I’m trying really hard to grow a mustache.

Tools of the trade:
Chrome Developer Tools, Sublime Text, Sass, desk toys, and a refresh button.

What is your development style?
Ideally: clean, semantic scaffolding combined with efficient and modular styling.  Realistically: trial and error.

Dream project:
A coherent, simply-navigated app that aggregates the abstracts of the plethora of esoteric scientific papers published daily into concise, layperson-oriented “take home messages” to help bridge the fiery morass that is the scientific community’s attempt at public outreach.

How is building a website like woodworking?
Much of my life has been spent oscillating around an attempt to reconcile the right and left brains and the only professions I have found that approach that sweet spot are woodworking and computer programming: sexy combinations of aesthetics and pragmatism.

How is building a website not like woodworking?
It’s much safer to have a beer and code.  Also god forbid trying to measure dovetails in ems.

Future technology prediction:
Humanity will finally be distilled down to its capitalistic essence and every individual will become a number, controlled by android police officers and mandatory mood stabilizers.  And wearables.

