Our Process
We have a site and application development process that helps us get to know you, establish mutual goals, and keep things moving along swiftly. Take a look at how we go about our business!





- Identify Project Team
- Collaborate on Expectations
- Collect Client Assets
- Review Business Strategy
- Technical and Hosting Requirements
- Situation Analysis, Needs Assessment, Competitive & Marketing Analysis
- Read, Review, Process
- In full collaboration with client
- Establish Communication Strategy
- Target Audience Assessment
- Develop Site Strategy
- Initiate Creative Brief
- Design Research
- Site Maps
- Content Outline & Specs
- Information Architecture
- Technical Specs
- Functional Specs
- Reporting Metric Specs
- 3rd Party Specs (if any)
- Creative Brief
- Wireframes
- Design Exploration
- Project Plan
- Project Design
- Design Presentation
- Revisions
- Design Approval
- Begin Site Production
- Begin Content Integration
- Alpha Review
- Resolve All Issues
- Finish Details
- Testing/Debugging
- Full Content Integration
- Beta Review
- Content Acceptance Testing
- Launch Site
- Success Management
- Consulting & Development
- Periodic Plan Review & Evaluation