I-SITE Launches Live Camden Website
Categories: Our Work
We love cities, we love revitalization and we love visionaries! Having recently created a new web and mobile presence for Lower Manhattan, we’re currently working on another economic development project closer to home – more precisely across the river in Camden NJ . The city that is home to Campbell’s Soup, and once upon a time the pioneers of recorded sound RCA Victor, has appeared on all the wrong lists in recent years while its neighbor Philadelphia has experienced a rebirth.
In the Spring we partnered with the newly formed Coopers Ferry Partnership on a website to provide information about buying a home and living in Camden. The LiveCamden project was born out of a new Employee Assisted Housing Program being offered by some of the city’s largest employers including Virtua and Cooper University Hospital.
We designed the site to be clean, informative and show off the new LiveCamden brand. There are features on key neighborhoods, history and transportation to attract potential residents and support the live where you work message. The site is fully integrated with Cooper’s Ferry Twitter and Flickr accounts and was developed on the open source CMS Drupal to make it easy for their team to update the content. Launched in October, I-SITE will continue to support the Cooper’s Ferry Partnership in their mission to attract residents to live and work, and businesses to set up shop in Camden.